What Does It Do?
- Nutritional Support
- Enhances Immune System
- Detox & Antioxidant
- Boosts Skin Health
- Hydrate your body
What Does It Contain?
Ascorbic Acid (VitaminC) 8 gr IV
Vitamin B Complex 5ml IM
Fluid 250ml IV
Administration: IV
Procedure (Minimum)
Procedure (Minimum)
What Are The Benefits?
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient in our diet, it has many important functions within our body.
This vitamin is effective in the protection and health of cells. It boosts immune function and helps with wound healing.
It is commonly used as an anti oxidant to remove heavy metals.
B-Complex vitamins are often used to reduce the clouds of fatigue and boost your mood. Some studies suggest that B-complex vitamins can lift your spirits and improve your cognitive performance.
B1: Thiamine plays an essential role in metabolism by helping convert nutrients into energy.
B2: Riboflavin helps convert food into energy and also acts as an antioxidant.
B6: Pyridoxine is involved in amino acid metabolism, normal sleep function and hair growth.
Certified Doctors
Our doctors are specially trained to administer your IV drips so that you can get your vitamins in swiftly and professionally.
Vegan Friendly
Our formulations are preservative free, don't contain traces of animals, so are vegan friendly, and are also free of genetically-modified organisms, hexane and sugar.
Certified Doctors
Our doctors are specially trained to administer your IV drips so that you can get your vitamins in swiftly and professionally.
Vegan Friendly
Our formulations are preservative free, don't contain traces of animals, so are vegan friendly, and are also free of genetically-modified organisms, hexane and sugar.